
香梅评国际 2023-07-06 14:37:00

上周,我们的临时代办郝苏菲女士访问了位于798艺术区的木木美术馆,参加了比利时艺术家安·维罗尼卡·詹森斯在中国的首次个人展 “粉黄蓝”的开幕仪式。

Last week, our Chargée d’Affaires a.i. Ms. Sophie Hottat visited the M Woods Museum in the 798 art district to take part in the opening ceremony of the very first solo exhibition in China by Belgian artist Ann Veronica Janssens titled “pinkyellowblue”.



Ann Veronica Janssens was born in 1956 in Folkestone in the United Kingdom. She grew up in Kinshasa (DRC) before moving to Brussels, Belgium, where she studied at the National School for Visual Arts of La Cambre, one of our country’s leading institutions for arts. She then permanently settled in Brussels where she’s been making art for exhibitions all over the world since then.

Janssens’ works vary from sculptures to installations, videos and even photos. Her installations play with reflection, luminosity, transparency, and use immaterial elements such as light, artificial fog, sound and simple materials such as glass, mirrors, metal, etc.




Ms. Hottat had the opportunity to give an opening speech and visit the exhibition accompanied by Victor Wang, Artistic Director and Chief Curator of M Woods. In her speech, she reminded the attendees of the role of art in fostering connections between cultures and peoples: art and more specifically Janssens’ art does not need a knowledge of any language or cultural background to be understood. As such, it holds the inherent power to build bridges between cultures that are vastly different, especially when cultural and people-to-people contacts are difficult.

This is the second time we’ve had the chance to visit an M Woods exhibition: last year, our Ambassador dr Jan Hoogmartens gave an opening speech and visited an exhibition by Belgian fashion designer and artist Martin Margiela in M Woods’s other location in the hutongs.

Speaking of fashion, many famous fashion designers also graduated from La Cambre, you can read more about it here: 比利时时尚界的另一面——坎布雷国立视觉艺术高等学院

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