
用户_899821 2024-05-13 16:58:55




Wang Dianyou, stage name: Molin, born in February 1949, from Baoqing County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province. Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee, Vice President of China Huaxia Giant Craftsman Calligraphy and Painting Academy, National First Class Artist, and National Senior Calligrapher.

诚信为本  60×50cm


Special Artist for State Guests, Ambassador for China's Cultural Exchange with Foreign Countries; Professor of Art Guidance at the China Association of the World Artists Association in the United States; Honorary Fellow of the Harvard School of Art, Harvard University, United States; Researcher at the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Center; Ambassador of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Image;

万山红遍  层林尽染  70×50cm


The first person to explore space with Chinese calligraphy works; Member of the Chinese Association of Couplets, Professor at the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Art: Vice Dean of the Calligraphy and Painting Academy of CCTV's "Grateful China"; The Chinese Calligraphy Association and the China US Association jointly recommend calligraphy artists with the most investment and collection value, as well as people's artists with both moral and artistic excellence;

洞庭波湧连天雪  长岛人歌动地诗  100×50cm


Recommended "Key People's Artists" during the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; The organizing committee of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Spring Festival Gala awarded "Top Ten Calligraphers in China"; Representative figures in the inheritance of Chinese intangible cultural heritage; Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Gold Medal Craftsman; Special Chief Expert of Hurun International Art Appraisal Center.

松鹤延年  70×60cm


The 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China Sailing Cup National Calligraphy and Painting Competition won the special prize in calligraphy; The Hundred Year Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Competition of the founding of the Communist Party of China won the special prize in calligraphy; Celebrating the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and winning first place in the Top 100 Calligraphy and Painting Artists Competition;

虎啸龙吟  70×50cm


Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Macau's return, the calligraphy and painting competition won the special prize in calligraphy; National Post awarded the artist of Guobinli postage products; At the invitation of the Organizing Committee of Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters in Modern and Contemporary Times, four Chinese individuals (Fan Dian'an, He Jiaying, Lu Yushun, and Wang Dianyou) were included in the compilation of the first set of Chinese Art Diplomacy National Gift Collection Gold Calligraphers and Painters. The Gold Calligraphy has become one of the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage, with limited global distribution;

国安为天  70×60cm

经文旅部、中国文联等部门推选作为入编金砖五国艺术家代表书画精品专集五位书画名家之一(俄罗斯 梅尔尼科夫、中国 王殿友、印度  维尔马、巴西 亚玛瑞、南非 杜马斯);

Selected by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and other departments as one of the five famous calligraphers and painters included in the compilation of the BRICS Artists Representative Painting and Calligraphy Collection (Melnikov, Russia, Wang Dianyou, China, Vilma, India, Amari, Brazil, Dumas, South Africa);

海纳百川  70×50cm


Selected by CCTV as the 2023 Person of the Year for "Touching China"; Through joint selection by the Ministry of Education and other departments, my work has been included in the "Chinese Art Teaching Model" for nationwide distribution;

凌云志  80×50cm


At the invitation of the Chinese Art Leaders Organizing Committee, I, along with Fan Zeng and Cui Ruzhuo, jointly published a special collection titled "Chinese Art Leaders"; At the invitation of the China New Era Leading Figures Organizing Committee, I, along with Li Ka shing, Ren Zhengfei, Dong Mingzhu, and Wang Jianlin, jointly published a special collection of "New Era Leading Figures";

芳菲四月读华章  70×50cm


I have been jointly selected by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the China Writers Association, and the China US Association as the International Cultural Ambassador for the 2024 Paris Olympics (Jackie Chan, Yao Ming, Fan Dean, Wang Dianyou, Sun Xiaoyun, Jin Shangyi);

不到长城非好汉  70×50cm


I have been jointly selected by the International Talent Council of the United Nations Commission for the Development of Artists and the BRICS Artists Organizing Committee as the International Cultural Ambassador for BRICS Artists (Jin Shangyi and Wang Dianyou);

一叶知秋雁知归  70×50cm


I have been appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Committee for the Inheritance, Protection and Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage by the United Nations (consisting of four Chinese individuals: Li Qun, Wang Xudong, Shan Guoqiang, and Wang Dianyou);

塞外长城空自许  镜中衰鬓已知斑  80×50cm


At the invitation of the organizing committee of the Red Robe Collection, a collection of five artists (Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Li Kuchan, Xu Beihong, and Wang Dianyou) was included.

海到天边云作岸  山登绝顶人为峰  80×50cm

抱朴守真     与古交融



横眉冷对千夫指  俯首甘为孺子牛  80×50cm


烟花三月下扬州  70×50cm


雅趣  70×50cm


怀远  70×50cm


金秋  70×50cm


战地  70×50cm




于无声处听惊雷  80×50cm

到处莺歌燕舞  80×50cm

到中流击水浪遏飞舟  80×50cm

只待春雷第一声  80×50cm

强国强军  80×50cm

鸿运天成  80×50cm

风雨送春归  飞雪迎春到  80×50cm

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